50 odtenkov glasbe, ki vas bo dvignila z naslonjačev in postelj

Tokrat se v rubriki Odbiti Odkriti podajamo v globlje vode z rahlo počasnejšim ritmom in močnim sporočilom (pozivom) – v opisu pod glasbenim setom. 50 odtenkov glasbe vas bo dvignil z naslonjačev in postelj. 

Za vse umetnike, talente in izvajalce, takšne in drugačne – predstavite se nam, pokažite nam! Svoje prispevke (v pisni, slikovni, grafični, umetniški, zvočni, video ali kakšni drugi obliki) pošljite na e-naslov info@domzalec.si. Prispevki bodo pred objavo pregledani s strani uredništva zaradi morebitnih neprimernih vsebin. Če bi v prihodnosti želeli, da se vaša objava odstrani, to sporočite uredništvu na: info@domzalec.si.

Sence v noči

Izpod gosjega peresa in iz notranjega templja tokrat za vas – dušno mistično popotovanje v višja in hkrati globlja povpraševanja in razodetja o človeški eksistenci, večnosti in duhovnih sferah …


Strange entities
Would follow me
Through darkened streets of night

“What is it
That you want from me?”
I asked them, no delight

“Your soul
Is what we’re looking for
Your thoughts to overcome

We want to grab you
Have you all
So tell us — will you come?”

Quite shocked
And surely quite afraid
I thought that I must bow

So, off I went
Inside my head
I thought – no one will know …

Surrounded with
These strange events
I gave my life but yet …

Just at the end
Of all event
There was Someone that I met

All unafraid
And deeply touched
Through all my soul and veins

I saw your Light
I felt your Peace
See … nothing felt the same

The darkest streets
Now brightly lit
Present no fear, no more

I boldly walk
With Mighty Hand
All unafraid of gore

To You I lift
My burdened sight
To You I give my past

In You I’m safe
In You I rest
‘Cause I’ll forever last

The now, tomorrow
Have no cost
‘Cause cause’s no longer lost

I see the future
Lots of light
And people who will fly

Your strength, your power
Have surely freed my soul

For You are force
The life, the light
The One I do adore

Avtor: JungleT.

Pesem lahko uglasbite in tržite. Pred tem mi to sporočite na: jungle.t.jungle@gmail.com

